Hey Friends,In the information age, we do not need "skillful time management" as much as we do need "skillful attention management", "skillful stress management", and "skillful emergency management".Animals and ancient humans adapted to live in groups and to reject the change. Simply because walking alone from the group carried the risks of hunger and death. Probably, for evolutionary reasons, modern humans tend to resist "outstanding things" that are not done by many people. This is not good! why? Since modern humans no longer need to hunt for food and are relatively more secure, there is no need to feel the stress and resistance against doing something differently, being outstanding, living alone, or walking against the conventional rules. Below is a list of interesting things I want to share with you from my week #9 in 2021
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Weekly newsletter of Ahmed Negida - Issue #3
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Hey Friends,In the information age, we do not need "skillful time management" as much as we do need "skillful attention management", "skillful stress management", and "skillful emergency management".Animals and ancient humans adapted to live in groups and to reject the change. Simply because walking alone from the group carried the risks of hunger and death. Probably, for evolutionary reasons, modern humans tend to resist "outstanding things" that are not done by many people. This is not good! why? Since modern humans no longer need to hunt for food and are relatively more secure, there is no need to feel the stress and resistance against doing something differently, being outstanding, living alone, or walking against the conventional rules. Below is a list of interesting things I want to share with you from my week #9 in 2021